Friday, September 26, 2014

week 3 Rousseau

This week we painted Rousseau's jungle scene.
I saw some great variations and loved your creativity. We didn't finish them but can work on it again another week when we might have a make up day.

next week Henri Matisse.

October 9th we will have a guest teacher to show how to be creative with the alphabet to draw. Here is a link to her designs to watch and sheets to practice your names with. Be creative. No two designs will look the same.  Boys don't think it's girlie, I want to see you try. My boys enjoys creating with these designs. It is like a code and you could ask someone to find the letters and their corresponding designs. You are welcome to bring your own markers from home for this week.

Remember to ask a parent before you go online.           (the letter E)           (intro)               (name)              (name)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Week 2

Our first art lesson this year and we learned a little about Kandinsky. AKA "the father of abstract art".

Using oil pastels and watercolors we recreated his famous concentric circles. I saw a lot of great work going on.

I want to remind everyone that in order to have art shown at the art show at the end of the year please put all your art work done at CO-OP in your portfolio and leave it at the church. I will put the portfolios in the closet after 4th hour if there was any dying going on.

In addition to the art work we are doing,  we are teaching about the artist that inspired us. So each student Has a folder inside their portfolio that they are adding a short narrative and replication of the artist that week.  It will be really great to see all their work and bios all in one place at the end of the year to take home and share with their families.

Thanks to those that have donated materials.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

supplies needed

Art class is looking for donations for any of the following art supplies.12 students in the class, any amount you can donate is appreciated.

Soft bristle paint Brushes
Water colors
Tempra paints
Water color paper
Water color tissue paper
Pale blue paper
White glue
Colorful construction paper
Black crayon
White crayon
Clean sponges (enough for 2 projects)
Course Salt
Tin foil
Pipe cleaners
Poster putty
Puff paints lots of colors
Calligraphy pens
Card stock
Quality face paints

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Art week 1, Sept 11th

Art week 1, Sept 11th

Our well prepared assistant teacher Jennifer Wright gave us our first Art Biography of the year. She told the class all about Chagall. She showed them more than 5 of his works, shared about his life and discussed his painting. She likes how colorful his paintings are and that he painted how he felt and didn’t worry about painting a realistic view.
What we worked on today:

·        We worked on portfolios ( if your child forgot theirs or brought it home to finish, please send them with one next week) simple poster board or cardboard.
·        We Talked about the purpose of this class : To know famous artists and learn techniques to make our own great works.
·        We talked about the Art Bios that each student will present at the end of the semester on the artist of their choice.  Presentations will be about 3 to 5 min. Teacher Jennifer had a great example.
·        We played a get-to-know-you game to learn everyone’s name in class.
·        We set class rules to follow.

Next week:
·       Bring portfolios
·       Artist of the week : Kandinsky

See you all next Thursday morning.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Your first assignment for Art class will be a portfolio. Please bring a portfolio to class this week. It can be together or not. we will be working on them in class. Look for ideas on Pinterest or google. we will allow time to decorate them in class. Material ideas :  cardboard, poster board,
make them at least 18in x15in.